[Haskell-cafe] Typed communications in (Safe) Haskell

Ernesto Rodriguez neto at netowork.me
Tue Dec 9 13:34:36 UTC 2014

Hi Giacomo,

For your problem, Cloud Haskell is probably the state of the art. I haven't
used it for a while so I can't tell u how well TLS is supported. Otherwise,
you should consider asking in the  parallel-haskell <
parallel-haskell at googlegroups.com> and distributed-haskell at googlegroups.com
<distributed-haskell at googlegroups.com> lists.


On Tue, Dec 9, 2014 at 12:30 PM, Giacomo Tesio <giacomo at tesio.it> wrote:

> Hi, I'm Giacomo and I'm new to this list.
> I'm looking for advices to develop an haskell p2p system where the nodes
> comunicate over an untrusted channel (the internet). I'd like to use TLS to
> authenticate each node with each other.
> I'm wondering if exists any library/framework that already suits my needs:
>    1. Enable typed communications (make it easy to go from ByteString to
>    our ADT for messages)
>    2. Support TLS
>    3. Is written in plain (possibly Safe) Haskell, because I plan to make
>    it runnable on HaLVM/HaLNS (in the long run)
>    4. Acceptably easy to use since most of nodes will simply receive
>    messages, run a simple (often pure) function on them and return a response
>    to the caller
> I've seen a lot of interesting libraries on hackage (courier, daemons and
> more...) but AFAIK none support TLS.
> Any suggestion?
> Thanks,
> Giacomo
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Ernesto Rodriguez

Masters Student
Computer Science
Utrecht University

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