[Haskell-cafe] The Good, the Bad and the GUI

Wojciech Narczyński wojtek at power.com.pl
Tue Aug 12 19:18:54 UTC 2014

W dniu 2014-08-12 01:22, Alberto G. Corona pisze:
> But formlets are implemented in the server side.  and you probably 
> think in applications with heavy use of JavaScript for validations, 
> interaction  etc. In this case, there is a formlet implementation in 
> the client side, which is my.. Ahem!... package hplaygroud:
> https://github.com/agocorona/hplayground
Very interesting, please allow a few questions about your approach:

1. Would it be possible to save a snapshot of a paritally filled form on 
the server?
2. Would it be possible to display the sum before the values: 3 = [ 1] + 
[  2] <-- this is rendered HTML, not Haskell?

(I thought I would have more questions, but somehow I can't think of any 
right now...)

Kind regards,

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