[Haskell-cafe] Unicode Haskell source -- Yippie!

MigMit miguelimo38 at yandex.ru
Thu Apr 24 17:22:10 UTC 2014

It's disgusting.

Отправлено с iPhone

> 24 апр. 2014 г., в 21:15, Rustom Mody <rustompmody at gmail.com> написал(а):
> I'm mighty pleased to note that the following is valid Haskell code!
> Do others find this useful/appealing?
> Any possibilities on making the commented out parts work?
> [Pragmatics about typing this at the same speed and facility as we do with Ascii is a separate and (IMHO) solvable problem though its not the case at the moment]
> --------------------
> import qualified Data.Set as Set
> -- Experimenting with Unicode in Haskell source
> -- Numbers
> x ≠ y   = x /= y
> x ≤ y   = x <= y
> x ≥ y   = x >= y
> x ÷ y   = divMod x y
> x ⇑ y   = x ^ y
> x × y   = x * y -- readability hmmm !!!
> π = pi   
> -- ⌊ x = floor x
> -- ⌈ x = ceiling x
> -- Lists         
> xs ⤚ ys = xs ++ ys
> -- Bools
> x ∧ y   = x && y 
> x ∨ y   = y || y
> -- ¬x = not x
> -- Sets
> x ∈ s   = x `Set.member` s -- or keep ∈ for list elem?
> s ∪ t   = s `Set.union` t
> s ∩ t   = s `Set.intersection` t
> s ⊆ t   = s `Set.isSubsetOf` t
> s ⊂ t   = s `Set.isProperSubsetOf` t
> s ⊈ t   = not (s `Set.isSubsetOf` t)
> -- ∅ = Set.null
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