[Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE slot-lambda

Alois Cochard alois.cochard at gmail.com
Mon Apr 7 21:12:26 UTC 2014

In order to give a more constructive feedback, why not simply indexing
arguments by position and use the `_N` syntax?

The second example would be:

_0 : _1 : _1 : _2 : _2 : _2 : _0 : []

One could just use `_` if there is only one arg:

_ + _ (which mean what Kim thought it would mean)

and use:

_0 + _1 (for the case you wanted to support)


On 7 April 2014 22:01, Alois Cochard <alois.cochard at gmail.com> wrote:

> I just want to add that I find the syntax extremely confusing and counter
> intuitive.
> I thought it was just me, or that I was missed something. But it looks
> like I'm not the only one.
> On 7 April 2014 21:58, Kim-Ee Yeoh <ky3 at atamo.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 11:02 PM, ducis <ducis_cn at 126.com> wrote:
>>> It lets your write lambdas with 'slots' without inventing names for the
>>> parameters.
>>> [s| ı + ı |]  =  \x y -> x+y
>> I have no background in this 'slot lambda' and a search reveals this
>> package as the only hit.
>> Which may explain why I find the example given confusing. Why would [s|
>> 1+1 |] not be equivalent to \x->x+x ?
>> -- Kim-Ee
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> --
> *Alois Cochard*
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*Alois Cochard*
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