[Haskell-cafe] Fwd: [GSoC 2013] Porting Charts to Diagrams - Final Report

Jan Bracker jan.bracker at googlemail.com
Sat Sep 28 22:38:10 CEST 2013

> Is it possible to change fonts? I have found that fonts (and shadows) have
> a huge impact on the "wow"-factor of a plot. In fact, I could not help but
> ask a speaker during a talk what font he used for a particular plot... it
> just looked great!

I think all charts support setting a custom font style [0]. But: It depends
on the backend which fonts you can actually use. Some defaults are always
supported [1]. I suppose the cairo backend will load all fonts installed in
the system if required, but the diagrams backend only delivers the
defaults. For other or custom fonts in diagrams you need a SVG font version
of the font and pass it into the backend [2]. Shadows are not supported.

Best regards,


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