[Haskell-cafe] Proposal: New syntax for Haskell

Andreas Abel andreas.abel at ifi.lmu.de
Thu Sep 12 23:57:08 CEST 2013



Cucumber seems to be great if you mainly want to read your code
over the telephone, distribute it via national radio broadcast, or
dictate it to your secretary or your voice recognition software. You can
program thus without having to use you fingers. You can lie on your back
on your sofa, close your eyes, and utter your programs... 

We could
have blind Haskell/Cucumber programming contests... 

Tons of new

Strongly support this proposal. ;-) 


2013-09-10 22:57, Artyom Kazak wrote: 

> On Wed, 11 Sep 2013 00:20:26
+0400, Thiago Negri <evohunz at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I hope these jokes
do not cause people to be afraid to post new ideas.
> Agreed. I would
also like to clarify that my message was much more a joke 
> on
> the
incomprehensibility of legal acts than on the original proposal.
> By
the way, I am pretty impressed with this piece of Cucumber 
> Scenario: Mislav creates a valid task with an
> When I go to the "Awesome Ruby Yahh" task list page of the
> Rockstars" project
> When I follow "+ Add Task"
> And I fill in
"Task title" with "Ohhh upload"
> And I follow "Attachment"
> When I
attach the file "features/support/sample_files/dragon.jpg" to 
> And I press "Add Task"
> And I wait for 1 second
> And I
should see "Ohhh upload" as a task name
> I was much more sceptical
when I had only seen the example in Niklas's 
> message.
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Abel <>< Du bist der geliebte Mensch. 

Theoretical Computer Science,
University of Munich http://www.tcs.informatik.uni-muenchen.de/~abel/

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