[Haskell-cafe] IDE

Thiago Negri evohunz at gmail.com
Mon Nov 25 10:57:41 UTC 2013

I'm using emacs just for basic text file editing, no auto-completion, no
flymake, etc.
I find it quite dificult to navigate between files of a project and have no
time to configure emacs to work as an IDE.

There are lots of plugins pointed out in the wiki and such, but there's a
lack of step-by-step tutorials or packages that works out of the box. I
always need to search the entire web for the lines I need to punch into
.emacs file.

It's already hard to maintain brain's memory for other stuff, having to
learn my way thru emacs was time consuming and yet if I would start a
fresh-install of it, I probably would need to search the entire web again.
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