[Haskell-cafe] IDE

Andrew Butterfield Andrew.Butterfield at scss.tcd.ie
Mon Nov 11 09:03:44 UTC 2013

I use WinEdt + MikTex on Windows…

Most of my work uses .lhs literate scripts that are also LaTeX files, hence the perhaps strange choice.

I run Windows in a VM on Mac OS X (my desktop) because Mac support for LaTeX is, well, basically dreadful !

… now I'm sliding off-topic so I'll shut up…

Regards, Andrew.

On 8 Nov 2013, at 19:44, Corentin Dupont <corentin.dupont at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi cafe,
> I would like to know which IDE are you using?
> I use Leksah, I like the GUI design and constant compilation process.
> However, the development seems to be slowing down: last version date from early 2012. The installation process is very painful.
> There is FPComplete IDE coming up, but it's commercial. 
> I'm experimenting with it, anyway: how to compile using cabal files? It doesn't seem to recognize them. Will there be an off-line version?
> I'm interested to know if you are using vim to develop: which extension are you using? I'm interested in continuous compilation, project files browsing, code completion, search-in-files.
> Best,
> Corentin
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Andrew Butterfield     Tel: +353-1-896-2517     Fax: +353-1-677-2204
Lero at TCD, Head of Foundations & Methods Research Group
Director of Teaching and Learning - Undergraduate,
School of Computer Science and Statistics,
Room G.39, O'Reilly Institute, Trinity College, University of Dublin

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