[Haskell-cafe] How to determine the right path to haddock html documentation?

Roman Cheplyaka roma at ro-che.info
Tue Dec 17 10:32:55 UTC 2013

* Carlo Hamalainen <carlo at carlo-hamalainen.net> [2013-12-17 11:09:42+0100]
> On 16/12/13 16:01, Roman Cheplyaka wrote:
> > Here's one caveat: haskell-names cannot use ghc's interface files to get
> > information about installed modules. Instead, it maintains its own
> > interface files. Which means that you'll have to install separately all
> > packages that you need to access using the hs-gen-iface compiler, as
> > described in the README.  Additionally, not all packages that can be
> > compiled by ghc can be compiled by haskell-names yet.
> >
> > It's up to you and other ghc-mod users to decide whether this is
> > acceptable.
> So if I use the branch of Cabal [1] then the local database file
> $HOME/.cabal/share/x86_64-linux-ghc-7.6.3/haskell-names-
> will be updated automatically?

First, no need to use that fork — all patches have been merged into
Cabal master at https://github.com/haskell/Cabal. (However, they are not
released yet, so you still have to build the git version.)

Second, no, installation won't happen automatically. At the moment you
have to do that manually, like this:

  cabal install --haskell-suite -w hs-gen-iface mtl

It'd be nice to add a cabal.config option to do that automatically.

> What packages are currently known to have problems with haskell-names?

* Packages that use the latest GHC extensions which haven't been added
  yet to haskell-src-exts
* Packages that rely on custom Setup.hs usually have to be patched,
  because hs-gen-iface cannot compile Setup.hs, obviously

If you run into any (other) problems, please report them (or, better
yet, investigate them!)

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