[Haskell-cafe] Yet Another Forkable Class

oleg at okmij.org oleg at okmij.org
Fri Aug 23 10:06:08 CEST 2013

I must stress that OpenUnion1.hs described (briefly) in the paper
is only one implementation of open unions, out of many possible.
For example, I have two more implementations. A year-old version of
the code implemented open unions *WITHOUT* overlapping instances or

The implementation in the paper is essentially the one described in
the full HList paper, Appendix C. The one difference is that the HList
version precluded duplicate summands. Adding the duplication check to
OpenUnion1 takes three lines of code. I didn't add them because it
didn't seem necessary, or even desired.

I should further stress, OverlappingInstances are enabled only
within one module, OpenUnion1.hs. The latter is an internal, closed
module, not meant to be modified by a user. No user program needs to
declare OverlappingInstances in its LANGUAGES pragma. Second,
OverlappingInstances are used only within the closed type class
Member. This type class is not intended to be user-extensible; the
programmer need not and should not define any more instances for
it. The type class is meant to be closed. So Member emulates closed
type families implemented in the recent version of GHC. With the
closed type families, no overlapping instances are needed.

> Simply the fact that the Member class needs -XOverlappingInstances
> means that we cannot have duplicate or polymorphic effects. It will
> arbitrarily pick the first match in the former and fail to compile in
> the latter case.
Of course we can have duplicate layers. In that case, the dynamically closest
handler wins -- which sounds about right (think of reset in delimited
control). The file Eff.hs even has a test case for that, tdup.
BTW, I'm not sure of the word 'pick' -- the Member class is
a purely compile-time constraint. It doesn't do any picking -- it doesn't
do anything at all at run-time. 

> For example we should be able to project the open sum equivalent of
> Either String String into the second String but we cannot with the
> implementation in the paper.
You inject a String or a String, and you will certainly 
project a String (the one your have injected). What is the problem
then? You can always project what you have injected. Member merely
keeps track of what types could possibly be injected/projected. 
So, String + String indeed should be String.

By polymorphic effects you must mean first-class polymorphism (because
the already implemented Reader effect is polymorphic in the
environment). First of all, there are workarounds. Second, I'm not
sure what would be a good example of polymorphic effect (aside from 

> To be honest I'm not so sure about these "effects"...
Haskell Symposium will have a panel on effect libraries in Haskell.
It seems plausible that effects, one way or the other, will end ip in
Haskell. Come to Haskell Symposium, tell us your doubts and
concerns. We want to hear them.

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