[Haskell-cafe] unsafePerformIO usage
Serge D. Mechveliani
mechvel at botik.ru
Sun May 6 22:21:15 CEST 2012
can anybody explain what incorrect may happen with the following
program which uses exchange through two Unix pipes and
unsafePerformIO ?
The pipes are created by the Unix commands
mkfifo toA; mkfifo fromA
gcc iface.c compiles the C program to a.out.
ghc --make Main compiles the Haskell program by GHC to ./Main
Run on the second terminal > ./iface
Run on the first terminal > ./Main
It prints the result to the screen.
In Main.hs, the function iface :: String -> String
is defined via hPutStr, hGetLine, hFlush, unsafePerformIO. It
outputs str :: String to the pipe toA;
the process iface (programmed in C) waits for delay and returns
the respond string through the pipe fromA;
iface inputs this respond string.
So far, I put the respond string to be the same string,
I think, this is not essential, but another map can be considered.
Assume that the parallel computation is not allowed.
In the below `main', I tried
f ss where
ss = [iface $ shows i "\n" | i <- [1 .. 4]],
f [s1, s2, s3, s4] = [s3++s1, s3++s2, s1++s2],
and it works correct.
The question is:
what a simple definition is possible for f which will evaluate
Is this true that unsafePerformIO is _safe_ for all f in this
The `delay' constant can be edited in fifo.c.
See both sources below.
Please, copy the respond to mechvel at botik.ru
mechvel at botik.ru
import System.IO (IOMode(..), IO(..), Handle, openFile, hPutStr,
hGetLine, hFlush)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
dir = showString "/home/mechvel/haxiom/unsafeTest/"
-- openFile :: FilePath -> IOMode -> IO Handle
-- hPutStr :: Handle -> String -> IO ()
-- hGetLine :: Handle -> IO String
toA_IO = openFile (dir "toA") WriteMode :: IO Handle
fromA_IO = openFile (dir "fromA") ReadMode
toA = unsafePerformIO toA_IO
fromA = unsafePerformIO fromA_IO
initIO :: IO (Handle, Handle)
initIO = do
to <- toA_IO
from <- fromA_IO
return (to, from)
ifaceIO :: (Handle, Handle) -> String -> IO String
ifaceIO (h1, h2) str = do
hPutStr h1 str
hFlush h1
str' <- hGetLine h2
return str'
iface :: String -> String
iface str = unsafePerformIO $ ifaceIO (toA, fromA) str
main = putStr $ shows [s3++s1, s3++s2, s1++s2] "\n"
ss@[s1, s2, s3, s4] = [iface $ shows i "\n" | i <- [1 .. 4]]
-- The C program fifo.c ---------------------------------------------
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define BOUND 64
static char str[BOUND];
int l, i; long j; FILE *toA, *fromA;
toA = fopen("/home/mechvel/haxiom/unsafeTest/toA", "r");
if (toA == NULL) {perror("fopen(toA, r) failed: "); return;};
fromA = fopen("/home/mechvel/haxiom/unsafeTest/fromA", "w");
if (fromA == NULL) {perror("fopen(fromA, w) failed: "); return;};
for (;;)
if (fgets(str, BOUND, toA) == NULL) {
perror("fgets(str, bound, toA) failed: "); return;
j = 20000000; // delay. edit it
while (j > 0) {j = j-1;};
fputs(str, fromA);
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