[Haskell-cafe] heterogeneous environment

Heinrich Apfelmus apfelmus at quantentunnel.de
Wed May 2 15:09:50 CEST 2012

Ben wrote:
> while working on an STM-like library, i ran into the issue of trying
> to create a transaction log for reads / writes of heterogeneous
> reference types.  i don't have a good answer to this problem.  the
> problem is twofold : first, the general heterogeneous collection
> problem, and second, connecting a reference to its log.

I've had similar problems while implementing my reactive-banana library. 
The solution is described here


and also available as a cabal package


Note that the  Vault  data type is probably not quite what you are 
looking for as it represents a whole collection of references. But have 
a look at the type  Data.Vault.Locker  in the vault-0.2 package which I 
have just uploaded to hackage.

Oleg's email describes essentially the same solution.

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


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