[Haskell-cafe] How to define a Monad instance
Thiago Negri
evohunz at gmail.com
Sat Jul 28 15:35:40 CEST 2012
I'm trying to understand Monads. In order to do so, I decided to
create my own Monad for a simple domain-specific language.
The idea is to define a way to describe a multi-value replacement
inside do-notation.
Example of a function doing what I want (without Monads):
replaceAll :: (a -> Maybe a) -> [a] -> [a]
replaceAll f xs = go f xs []
where go :: (a -> Maybe a) -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
go _ [] acc = acc
go f (x:xs) acc = let acc' = acc ++ [fromMaybe x (f x)] in
acc' `seq` go f xs acc'
Example of a replacement table:
table :: Char -> Maybe Char
table x = case x of
'a' -> Just 'b'
'A' -> Just 'B'
_ -> Nothing
Example of use:
\> replaceAll table "All I want"
"Bll I wbnt"
Now, want I tried to do...
As Monads are used for sequencing, first thing I did was to define the
following data type:
data TableDefinition a = Match a a (TableDefinition a) | Restart
So, to create a replacement table:
table' :: TableDefinition Char
table' =
Match 'a' 'b'
(Match 'A' 'B'
It look like a Monad (for me), as I can sequence any number of
replacement values:
table'' :: TableDefinition Char
table'' = Match 'a' 'c'
(Match 'c' 'a'
(Match 'b' 'e'
(Match 'e' 'b'
In order to run the replacement over a list, I've defined the
following function:
runTable :: Eq a => TableDefinition a -> [a] -> [a]
runTable t = go t t []
where go _ _ acc [] = acc
go s Restart acc (x:xs) = let acc' = (acc ++ [x]) in
acc' `seq` go s s acc' xs
go s (Match a b m) acc ci@(x:xs) | x == a = let acc' = (acc
++ [b]) in
acc' `seq`
go s m acc' xs
| otherwise = go s m acc ci
The result is still the same:
\> runTable table' "All I want"
"Bll I wbnt"
I'd like to define the same data structure as:
newTable :: TableDefinition Char
newTable = do
'a' :> 'b'
'A' :> 'B'
But I can't figure a way to define a Monad instance for that. :(
Can you help me?
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