[Haskell-cafe] every Friday the 13th at midnight...

Corentin Dupont corentin.dupont at gmail.com
Fri Jul 27 18:50:43 CEST 2012

Yes, this is what I need, but to try to serialize invocations of "recur"
would be equivalent to roll my own implementation of iCalendar (RFC 5545)...
Is there an implemention of iCalendar (parser, writer) in Haskell?

What I want to do is a sort of scheduler: triggering regular tasks a bit
like cron. Is there a high-level "scheduler" in the libraries?
For example I would pass it a list of UTCTimes and it wakes me up for my
next appointment :)


On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 5:14 PM, Brandon Allbery <allbery.b at gmail.com>wrote:

> On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 5:50 AM, Corentin Dupont <
> corentin.dupont at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm looking for a library to be able to express, store and retrieve
>> recurring appointments, like "every Monday at midnight".
>> I saw Data.Time.Recurrence, which has a nice language, but how to store
>> the appointments? A command like:
>> *now <- getCurrentTime
>> recur daily `begin` now*
>> produces an infinite list of UTCTime.
> You need to define your own serialization for its structures.  If "recur"
> can't be serialized directly, your serialization needs to have a way to
> represent an invocation of "recur" instead of trying to store its result.
> This probably isn't provided because different people/applications have
> different serialization needs, and it's quite easy to roll the
> serialization yourself given the library as a starting point.
> --
> brandon s allbery                                      allbery.b at gmail.com
> wandering unix systems administrator (available)     (412) 475-9364 vm/sms
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