[Haskell-cafe] Cabal install fails due to recent HUnit

Martijn Schrage martijn at oblomov.com
Wed Jul 18 17:54:44 CEST 2012

On 18-07-12 17:37, Erik Hesselink wrote:
> Hi Martijn,
> Yes, upgrading will obviously fix things (we do use 0.14 on our
> development machines)
Well, to me it wasn't entirely obvious that upgrading to Cabal- 
fixes the problem for cabal-install-0.12, and I still think this is a 
good solution for most people that use version 2012.2.0.0 of the platform.

I'd suggest you ask Duncan to patch the hackage repository, and maybe 
contact the maintainer of HUnit to prevent future problems.

-- Martijn

> , but we have not set up any infrastructure for
> building a custom cabal on production servers. We just use the one
> from the Ubuntu repositories, which uses Cabal on oneiric. So
> until we upgrade to precise I guess we have a problem.
> Erik
> On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 5:24 PM, Martijn Schrage <martijn at oblomov.com> wrote:
>> Hi Erik,
>> A similar thing happened to me with the GraphViz package. As Duncan
>> explained to me, the problem is that Cabal- (and I believe also
>> incorrectly reports an error when conditionals are used in test
>> suites.
>> Upgrading to Cabal- (or cabal-install-0.14.0 with Cabal-1.14.0)
>> should fix the problem. Unfortunately, this means your build will not work
>> on a fresh Haskell Platform v2012.2.0.0, until HUnit is patched in the
>> hackage index.
>> Cheers,
>> Martijn Schrage -- Oblomov Systems (http://www.oblomov.com)
>> On 18-07-12 16:26, Erik Hesselink wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> All cabal installs using cabal-install-0.10.2 are currently failing
>>> for us. This is due to the cabal file for HUnit-, which was
>>> recently uploaded to hackage. The ouput I'm getting from cabal is
>>> just:
>>> Reading available packages...
>>> Resolving dependencies...
>>> cabal: Couldn't read cabal file "HUnit/"
>>> If I unpack HUnit- and call 'cabal configure', I get:
>>> cabal: HUnit.cabal:57: The 'type' field is required for test suites. The
>>> available test types are: exitcode-stdio-1.0
>>> The relevant lines from the cabal file are:
>>> Test-Suite hunit-tests-optimize-0
>>>       Type:               exitcode-stdio-1.0
>>> These look fine to me.
>>> Does anyone have any idea how to go about fixing this (on hackage at
>>> least)? Could this package temporarily be removed, to avoid breaking
>>> everyone's cabal?
>>> Erik
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