[Haskell-cafe] ANN: generic-deepseq

José Pedro Magalhães jpm at cs.uu.nl
Fri Feb 24 14:08:53 CET 2012

Hi Andres,

2012/2/24 Andres Löh <andres.loeh at googlemail.com>

> I don't understand what's going on here. Instances for V1 should of
> course be defined if they can be! And in this case, a V1 instance
> makes sense and should be defined. The definition itself doesn't
> matter, as it'll never be executed.

The definition certainly matters:

data Ze deriving Generic
> class DeepSeq a where
>   rnf :: a -> ()
>   default rnf :: (Generic a, GDeepSeq (Rep a)) => a -> ()
>   rnf = grnf . from
> instance DeepSeq Ze
> class GDeepSeq f where
>   grnf :: f a -> ()
> instance GDeepSeq V1 where
>   grnf _ = ()
> instance GDeepSeq a => GDeepSeq (M1 i c a) where
>   grnf = grnf . unM1
> -- other instances are not relevant now
> t :: Ze
> t = undefined

seq t () == undefined. rnf t == (), because the V1 instance dictates so.

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