[Haskell-cafe] Preventing leaked open file descriptors when catching exceptions

Ryan Newton rrnewton at gmail.com
Tue Feb 21 17:16:30 CET 2012

FYI, lsof confirms that there are indeed many many open connections to the
same FIFO:

Is there some other way to get at (and clean up) the file descriptor that
is left by System.Posix.IO.openFD after it throws an exception?

PingPipes 25115  rrnewton  124r     FIFO    8,2      0t0   25166171
PingPipes 25115  rrnewton  125r     FIFO    8,2      0t0   25166171
PingPipes 25115  rrnewton  126r     FIFO    8,2      0t0   25166171
PingPipes 25115  rrnewton  127r     FIFO    8,2      0t0   25166171
PingPipes 25115  rrnewton  128r     FIFO    8,2      0t0   25166171
PingPipes 25115  rrnewton  129r     FIFO    8,2      0t0   25166171
PingPipes 25115  rrnewton  130r     FIFO    8,2      0t0   25166171
PingPipes 25115  rrnewton  131r     FIFO    8,2      0t0   25166171
PingPipes 25115  rrnewton  132r     FIFO    8,2      0t0   25166171
PingPipes 25115  rrnewton  133r     FIFO    8,2      0t0   25166171
PingPipes 25115  rrnewton  134r     FIFO    8,2      0t0   25166171
PingPipes 25115  rrnewton  135r     FIFO    8,2      0t0   25166171
PingPipes 25115  rrnewton  136r     FIFO    8,2      0t0   25166171
PingPipes 25115  rrnewton  137r     FIFO    8,2      0t0   25166171
PingPipes 25115  rrnewton  138r     FIFO    8,2      0t0   25166171

On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 11:13 AM, Ryan Newton <rrnewton at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm trying to run a loop that repeatedly attempts to open a file until it
> succeeds.  The file is a named pipe in nonblocking mode, so the writer can
> only connect after the reader has connected.  (Perhaps there is some way to
> determine this by stat'ing the pipe, but I don't know it yet.)
> Thus I do something like the following:
>  tryUntilNoIOErr $ do
>     performGC
>     -- The reader must connect first, the writer here spins with backoff.
>     PIO.openFd filename PIO.WriteOnly Nothing fileFlags
> I'm running GC between iterations to try to make sure I get rid of open
> files.  Also, in the "tryUntilNoIOErr" code below I have some debugging
> messages which indicate that ioeGetHandle reports no handles associated
> with the exceptions I'm getting back.  (If there were handles provided I
> could close them explicitly.)
> In spite of these attempted precautions I'm seeing "too many open files"
> exceptions in simple benchmarks that should only have a maximum of ONE file
> open.
> Any hints / pointers?
> Thanks,
>   -Ryan
> mkBackoff :: IO (IO ())
> mkBackoff =
>   do tref <- newIORef 1
>      return$ do t <- readIORef tref
>         writeIORef tref (min maxwait (2 * t))
>         threadDelay t
>  where
>    maxwait = 50 * 1000
> tryUntilNoIOErr :: IO a -> IO a
> tryUntilNoIOErr action = mkBackoff >>= loop
>  where
>   loop bkoff =
>     handle (\ (e :: IOException) ->
>          do bkoff
>                 BSS.hPutStr stderr$ BSS.pack$ "    got IO err: " ++ show e
>             case ioeGetHandle e of
>               Nothing -> BSS.hPutStrLn stderr$ BSS.pack$ "  no hndl io
> err."
>               Just x  -> BSS.hPutStrLn stderr$ BSS.pack$ "  HNDL on io
> err!" ++ show x
>             loop bkoff) $
>        action
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