[Haskell-cafe] Preventing leaked open file descriptors when catching exceptions
Ryan Newton
rrnewton at gmail.com
Tue Feb 21 17:13:34 CET 2012
Hi all,
I'm trying to run a loop that repeatedly attempts to open a file until it
succeeds. The file is a named pipe in nonblocking mode, so the writer can
only connect after the reader has connected. (Perhaps there is some way to
determine this by stat'ing the pipe, but I don't know it yet.)
Thus I do something like the following:
tryUntilNoIOErr $ do
-- The reader must connect first, the writer here spins with backoff.
PIO.openFd filename PIO.WriteOnly Nothing fileFlags
I'm running GC between iterations to try to make sure I get rid of open
files. Also, in the "tryUntilNoIOErr" code below I have some debugging
messages which indicate that ioeGetHandle reports no handles associated
with the exceptions I'm getting back. (If there were handles provided I
could close them explicitly.)
In spite of these attempted precautions I'm seeing "too many open files"
exceptions in simple benchmarks that should only have a maximum of ONE file
Any hints / pointers?
mkBackoff :: IO (IO ())
mkBackoff =
do tref <- newIORef 1
return$ do t <- readIORef tref
writeIORef tref (min maxwait (2 * t))
threadDelay t
maxwait = 50 * 1000
tryUntilNoIOErr :: IO a -> IO a
tryUntilNoIOErr action = mkBackoff >>= loop
loop bkoff =
handle (\ (e :: IOException) ->
do bkoff
BSS.hPutStr stderr$ BSS.pack$ " got IO err: " ++ show e
case ioeGetHandle e of
Nothing -> BSS.hPutStrLn stderr$ BSS.pack$ " no hndl io err."
Just x -> BSS.hPutStrLn stderr$ BSS.pack$ " HNDL on io
err!" ++ show x
loop bkoff) $
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