[Haskell-cafe] Streaming to JuicyPixels

Myles C. Maxfield myles.maxfield at gmail.com
Tue Feb 21 06:16:14 CET 2012

Hello, and thanks for the quick reply.

You're right that using (remaining >> getBytes) won't work for streaming,
as it would pull the rest of the stream into a buffer, thereby delaying
further processing until the image is completely downloaded. :-(

I'm a little unclear about what you mean about the use of the ST monad.
There is an STT<http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/STMonadTrans/0.2/doc/html/Control-Monad-ST-Trans.html>
transformer, so you could wrap that around Get. Is that what you're
referring to?

As an aside: I didn't realize that JuicyPixels existed, so I wrote a JPEG
decoder specifically designed for streaming - it doesn't request a byte of
input unless it has to, uses a StateT (wrapped around Attoparsec) to keep
track of which bit in the current byte is "next", and does the Huffman
decoding in-line. However, I didn't use ST for the IDCT, so my own decoder
has serious performance problems. This prompted me to start searching
around for a solution, and I came across JuicyPixels, which already exists
and is much faster than my own implementation. I'm hoping to get rid of my
own decoder and just use JuicyPixels. If you're curious, my own code is
here: https://github.com/litherum/jpeg.

Is it reasonable to extend JuicyPixels to fit my use case? It sounds like
JuicyPixels wouldn't work so well as it stands. I'd be happy to do whatever
work is necessary to help out and get JuicyPixels usable for me. However,
if that would require a full (or near-full) rewrite, it might make more
sense for me to use my own implementation with your IDCT. Is there a way we
can share just the IDCT between our two repositories? Perhaps making a new
IDCT8 library that we can both depend on?

As for what API I'd like to be able to use, just a "Get DynamicImage"
should suffice (assuming it has streaming semantics as described above). It
would be really nice if it was possible to get at the incomplete image
before the stream is completed (so the image could slowly update as more
data arrives from the network), but I'm not quite sure how to elegantly
express that. Do you have any ideas?

I think that having 2 native jpeg decoders (Actually 3, because of this
package <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/jpeg>) is detrimental to the
Haskell community, and I would really like to use JuicyPixels :D

Myles C. Maxfield

On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 3:01 PM, Vincent Berthoux <
vincent.berthoux at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
>  I can expose the low level parsing, but you would only get the
> chunks/frames/sections of the image, Cereal is mainly used to parse the
> structure of the image, not to do the raw processing. For the raw
> processing, I rely on `remaining >> getBytes` to be able to manipulate data
> at bit level or to feed it to zlib, and the documentation clearly state
> that remaining doesn't work well with runGetPartial, so no read ahead, but
> even worse for streaming :).
> To be fair, I never thought of this use case, and exposing a partially
> decoded image would impose the use of the ST Monad somehow, and Serialize
> is not a monad transformer, making it a bit hard to implement.
> By curiosity what kind of API would you hope for this kind of
> functionality?
> Regards
> Vincent Berthoux
> Le 20 février 2012 22:08, Myles C. Maxfield <myles.maxfield at gmail.com> a
> écrit :
> Hello,
>> I am interested in the possibility of using JuicyPixels for streaming
>> images from the web. It doesn't appear to expose any of its internally-used
>> Serialize.Get functionality, which is problematic for streaming - I would
>> not like to have to stream the whole image into a buffer before the decoder
>> can start decoding. Are there any plans on exposing this API, so I can use
>> the runGetPartial function to facilitate streaming?
>> In addition, does the library do much readahead? There's no point in
>> exposing a Get interface if it's just going to wait until the stream is
>> done to start decoding anyway.
>>  Thanks,
>> Myles C. Maxfield
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