[Haskell-cafe] AVL Tree in a pattern matching way

larry.liuxinyu liuxinyu95 at gmail.com
Thu May 12 04:54:10 CEST 2011


I browsed the current AVL tree implementation in Hackage

AVL tree denote the different of height from right sub-tree to left
sub-tree as delta, to keep the
balance, abs(delta)<=1 is kept as invariant.

So the typical implementation define N (Negative), P (Positive), and Z
(zero) as the tree valid nodes
(and the Empty as the trivial case).

When a new element is inserted, the program typically first check if
the result will break the balance, and
process rotation to keep the balance of the tree. Some other pure
functional implementation takes
the same approach, for example:

Guy Cousineau and Michel Mauny. ``The Functional Approach to
Programming''. pp 173 ~ 186

Consider the elegant implementation of Red-black tree in pattern
matching way by Chris Okasaki, I tried to use the same method in AVL
tree, and here is the result.

module AVLTree where

-- for easy verification, I used Quick Check package.
import Test.QuickCheck
import qualified Data.List as L -- for verification purpose only

-- Definition of AVL tree, it is almost as same as BST, besides a new
field to store delta.
data AVLTree a = Empty
               | Br (AVLTree a) a (AVLTree a) Int

insert::(Ord a)=>AVLTree a -> a -> AVLTree a
insert t x = fst $ ins t where
    -- result of ins is a pair (t, d), t: tree, d: increment of height
    ins Empty = (Br Empty x Empty 0, 1)
    ins (Br l k r d)
        | x < k     = node (ins l) k (r, 0) d
        | x == k    = (Br l k r d, 0)  -- For duplicate element, we
just ignore it.
        | otherwise = node (l, 0) k (ins r) d

-- params: (left, increment on left) key (right, increment on right)
node::(AVLTree a, Int) -> a -> (AVLTree a, Int) -> Int -> (AVLTree a,
node (l, dl) k (r, dr) d = balance (Br l k r d', delta) where
    d' = d + dr - dl
    delta = deltaH d d' dl dr

-- delta(Height) = max(|R'|, |L'|) - max (|R|, |L|)
--  where we denote height(R) as |R|
deltaH :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
deltaH d d' dl dr
       | d >=0 && d' >=0 = dr
       | d <=0 && d' >=0 = d+dr
       | d >=0 && d' <=0 = dl - d
       | otherwise = dl

-- Here is the core pattern matching part, there are 4 cases need

balance :: (AVLTree a, Int) -> (AVLTree a, Int)
balance (Br (Br (Br a x b dx) y c (-1)) z d (-2), _) = (Br (Br a x b
dx) y (Br c z d 0) 0, 0)
balance (Br a x (Br b y (Br c z d dz)    1)    2, _) = (Br (Br a x b
0) y (Br c z d dz) 0, 0)
balance (Br (Br a x (Br b y c dy)    1) z d (-2), _) = (Br (Br a x b
dx') y (Br c z d dz') 0, 0) where
    dx' = if dy ==  1 then -1 else 0
    dz' = if dy == -1 then  1 else 0
balance (Br a x (Br (Br b y c dy) z d (-1))    2, _) = (Br (Br a x b
dx') y (Br c z d dz') 0, 0) where
    dx' = if dy ==  1 then -1 else 0
    dz' = if dy == -1 then  1 else 0
balance (t, d) = (t, d)

-- Here are some auxiliary functions for verification

-- check if a AVLTree is valid
isAVL :: (AVLTree a) -> Bool
isAVL Empty = True
isAVL (Br l _ r d) = and [isAVL l, isAVL r, d == (height r - height
l), abs d <= 1]

height :: (AVLTree a) -> Int
height Empty = 0
height (Br l _ r _) = 1 + max (height l) (height r)

checkDelta :: (AVLTree a) -> Bool
checkDelta Empty = True
checkDelta (Br l _ r d) = and [checkDelta l, checkDelta r, d ==
(height r - height l)]

-- Auxiliary functions to build tree from a list, as same as BST

fromList::(Ord a)=>[a] -> AVLTree a
fromList = foldl insert Empty

toList :: (AVLTree a) -> [a]
toList Empty = []
toList (Br l k r _) = toList l ++ [k] ++ toList r

-- test
prop_bst :: (Ord a, Num a) => [a] -> Bool
prop_bst xs = (L.sort $ L.nub xs) == (toList $ fromList xs)

prop_avl :: (Ord a, Num a) => [a] -> Bool
prop_avl = isAVL . fromList . L.nub

And here are my result in ghci:
*AVLTree> test prop_avl
OK, passed 100 tests.

The program is available in github:

I haven't provided delete function yet.

Larry, LIU

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