[Haskell-cafe] XCode Dependency for HP on Mac

Jack Henahan jhenahan at uvm.edu
Wed Jul 27 13:20:00 CEST 2011


Go there. Log in (free account). Download Xcode 3.2.6. If you want the full complement of blessed UNIX-y tools, you have to get Xcode. Bundling things with the HP is just going to bloat that download and confuse new users more (and my god, the dep-chasing...  the number of libs that might have to be piled in on top of it could be absurd). The Dev Tools are standard fare for most everything now. They're my first install on a new system.

As much as I would love to be able to just install the "UNIX Development" tree (really just hardlinks from the Developer folder) and skip all the "Xcode Essentials" tree, that's just not how it's set up. Apple has to appeal to the masses, and the masses are writing iPhone apps and C in an IDE.

3.2.6 is your best bet now, anyway, since Xcode 4 introduced one or two annoying kinks (though no breakages unless you use 4.2).

Also, remind me never to post to the list right after work. I worry I come off as not a very nice person, at all. :/

On Jul 27, 2011, at 3:30 AM, Sean Leather wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 05:55, Tom Murphy wrote:
> This may sound ignorant because, well, it is ignorant: I know very
> little about the underlying mechanics here.
> Installing the Haskell Platform currently requires XCode developer tools.
> To get XCode on my 10.6 machine, I...
> ... will check out the related discussion: http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/89745
> Regards,
> Sean 
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Jack Henahan
jhenahan at uvm.edu
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