[Haskell-cafe] Make Show instance

Александр kommunist1917 at mail.ru
Thu Jul 21 16:45:13 CEST 2011


I have binary tree, with every leaf tuple - (k,v):

data Tree k v = EmptyTree  
                | Node (k, v) (Tree k v) (Tree k v)

How can i make Show Instance for (Tree  Int Int) ?

I try:

instance Show (Tree k v) where
     show EmptyTree = show "Empty"
     show (Node (Int, Int) left right)  = ..

But get error:

 Not in scope: data constructor `Int'

I have a function:

fillTree :: Int -> Tree Int Int -> Tree Int Int
fillTree  1000000 tree = tree 
fillTree  x tree = let a = treeInsert (x, x) EmptyTree                   in fillTree (x + 1) a    
If i execute it:

 No instance for (Show (Tree Int Int))
      arising from a use of `print'

How can i make Show instance for my Tree? 
Thank you. 
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