[Haskell-cafe] Building doc for yesod-json

Daniel Fischer daniel.is.fischer at googlemail.com
Mon Feb 7 01:32:34 CET 2011

On Monday 07 February 2011 01:11:47, Magnus Therning wrote:
> Michael,
> I've now gotten part of the way through the *long* list of dependencies
> for yesod 0.7.0, and I'm stuck on yesod-json.  It's the documentation
> that fails actually, but I'm not sure why it would:
> dist/build/tmp20668/Yesod/Json.hs:4:6:
>     parse error on input `-- ^ Convert from a JSON value'
> It's the very first bit in that file:
> module Yesod.Json
>     ( -- ^ Convert from a JSON value
>       defaultLayoutJson
> Do you have any clue as to why this would fail?

If I remember correctly, you can't have a `-- ^' comment in the export 
list, there you can only have `-- *' (multiple *s allowed) and `-- $text', 
or haddock will choke.

> I should probably mention that I'm compiling this on a system with GHC
> 6.12.3.
> /M

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