[Haskell-cafe] Storing passwords securely

Peter Scott pjscott at iastate.edu
Sun Feb 6 03:12:40 CET 2011

The usual advice on how to store passwords securely is "use bcrypt", but
since there seem to be no Haskell bindings for bcrypt, the other good option
is to iterate a salted hash function at least 1000 times. In order for
people to get this right, there should be a library with a really simple API
that makes it Just Work. I think I have such an API, but I'd like to hear if
anybody else has suggestions before I go releasing it onto Hackage. The code
is here:


The part of the API that people have to care about is two functions.
makePassword creates a hashed, salted password that you can store in a
database. verifyPassword takes this hashed, salted password and a user's
password input, and tells you if it matches. Like this:

    >>> makePassword (B.pack "hunter2") 12


    >>> verifyPassword (B.pack "wrong guess") passwordHash
    >>> verifyPassword (B.pack "hunter2") passwordHash

There's also a function for increasing the number of hash iterations on
stored password hashes, to compensate for Moore's law.

Does this sound reasonable? Also, I have a pure-Haskell version and a
version which depends on some C code, for speed (about 25x difference). Does
anybody care about the pure Haskell version, or should I just drop it and
require the faster C/Haskell mixed version?

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