[Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: xournal-convert-0.1

Ian-Woo Kim ianwookim at gmail.com
Tue Dec 27 13:57:04 CET 2011

Hi, all,

I have uploaded a utility program xournal-convert which is a
command-line utility for changing xournal file format to various other
formats. Currently, converting xournal file format (xoj) to several
SVG files for each page and index.html for navigating all those pages
are implemented. I will support more output formats as I implement. I
think that SVG/html support must be useful to some people as it is
This program depends on xournal-types, xournal-render and
xournal-parser libraries which are also used for hxournal program ( a
notetaking program written in haskell. similar to xournal)

Installation should be simple.
Just type
> cabal update
> cabal install xournal-convert

In command line, you can run the program like
> xournal-convert makesvg --dest=[destination folder] xojfilename
Currently, this program only accepts gunzipped xoj file. For xoj file
you generated from xournal program, you need to rename the file as
xxx.xoj.gz (xxx is some filename) and gunzip xxx.xoj.gz to make
gunzipped xoj format file. For files from hxournal, you can just use
the file directly.

By this program, you can simply generate static webpages for each
xournal file. I personally found this useful for reading my notes on
the web.

As for hxournal, the current version is It currently supports
pdf background and has undo/redo and smoother scrolling (not completed
yet though). If you are interested, please try the latest version.

Thank you for your interest. Happy holidays.

best regards,
Ian-Woo Kim

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