[Haskell-cafe] Composing Enumeratees in enumerator

Erik de Castro Lopo mle+hs at mega-nerd.com
Sat Dec 24 13:00:46 CET 2011

Michael Craig wrote:

> I've been looking for a way to compose enumeratees in the enumerator
> package, but I've come up with nothing so far. I want this function
> (=$=) :: Monad m => Enumeratee a0 a1 m b -> Enumeratee a1 a2 m b ->
> Enumeratee a0 a2 m b

I think part of the problem here is that Enumeratee is defined as:

    type Enumeratee ao ai m b = Step ai m b -> Iteratee ao m (Step ai m b)

If you expand out your type signature you get:

    (=$=) :: Monad m
          => (Step a1 m b -> Iteratee a0 m (Step a1 m b))
          -> (Step a2 m b -> Iteratee a1 m (Step a2 m b))
          -> (Step a2 m b -> Iteratee a0 m (Step a2 m b))

which to me looks rather painful to implement.

> I've been looking at the iterIO package as a possible alternative, because
> it seems to allow easy composition of Inums (enumeratees). I'm a little
> skittish of it because it seems unpopular next to enumerator.
> Thoughts on these issues?

I think these issues are actually common to all implementations of
the Iteratee concept. Basically they do not compose as nicely and
as cleanly as they would be expected to. I recently ran into this
difficulty in composition in my project which was solved by nesting
an iteratee inside an enumerator.


There is work being done to address these issues. See Michael
Snoyman's work on Conduits:


Erik de Castro Lopo

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