[Haskell-cafe] Hiding "growing" state using existentials.
Tom Schouten
tom at zwizwa.be
Tue Aug 16 11:17:06 CEST 2011
On 08/16/2011 09:23 AM, Stephen Tetley wrote:
> {-
> I don't think parametric monads will solve your problem though, as you
> want a product of the states as the result of bind. Are you really
> sure you want this behavior?, I'd imagine it breaks the monad laws
> anyway.
> -}
It seems that the product is essential to what I want to do.
The product comes from the property that the states are independent.
Each "Sig" has a state component that is only known to the function (s
-> (a, s)) that represents a sequence as an iterated function. This
iteration is to be seeded with an initial value stored in Sig when
unfolding the Sig (see _run).
Because this parallel state is completely in the background it thought
it might be possible to hide it. What I don't understand is why the
usage of the existential type breaks at my definition of the Monad
instance, but not at the Applicative instance.
I.e. My _ap is :: Sig s1 (x -> y) -> Sig s2 x -> Sig s3 y
but this doesn't hinder the construction of an Applicative instance
using the existential type which hides the s parameter (see below).
The problem seems to be to convince the type checker that it's ok to
unpack the data in the case of the Monad instance. Or maybe it really
isn't ok, but then I don't understand why.
> {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
> import Control.Applicative
> data Sig s a = Sig { sigInit :: s, sigNext :: (s -> (a, s)) }
> _join :: (Sig s1 (Sig s2 a)) -> Sig (s1,s2) a
> _join (Sig i1 u1) = Sig (i1, i2) u12 where
> ((Sig i2 _), _) = u1 i1
> u12 (s1, s2) = (a, (s1', s2')) where
> ((Sig _ u2), s1') = u1 s1
> (a, s2') = u2 s2
> _fmap :: (a -> b) -> Sig s a -> Sig s b
> _fmap f (Sig s0 u) = Sig s0 u' where
> u' s = (f a, s') where
> (a, s') = u s
> _return x = Sig () $ \() -> (x, ())
> _bind :: (Sig s1 a) -> (a -> Sig s2 b) -> (Sig (s1,s2) b)
> m `_bind` g = _join ((_fmap g) m)
> _ap :: Sig s1 (a -> b) -> Sig s2 a -> Sig (s1, (s2, ())) b
> _ap f a = f `_bind` \f' ->
> a `_bind` \a' ->
> _return $ f' a'
> _run :: Sig s a -> [a]
> _run (Sig init next) = f init where
> f s = (v:vs) where
> (v, s') = next s
> vs = f s'
> data Signal a = forall s. Signal (Sig s a)
> run (Signal a) = _run a
These work!
> instance Functor Signal where
> fmap f (Signal a) = Signal $ _fmap f a
> instance Applicative Signal where
> pure = Signal . _return
> (<*>) (Signal f) (Signal a) = Signal $ _ap f a
> ramp = Signal $ Sig 0 $ \s -> (s, s+1)
> disp = (take 10) . run
> test1 = disp $ pure 1 -- [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]
> test2 = disp $ ramp -- [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
> test3 = disp $ pure (1 +) <*> ramp -- [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
So why not this one?
How to unpack the return value of f?
> {-
> instance Monad Signal where
> return = Signal . _return
> (>>=) (Signal ma) f = Signal $ _bind ma f' where
> f' a = case (f a) of
> Signal mb -> mb
> -}
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