[Haskell-cafe] AVL Tree in a pattern matching way
Xinyu LIU
liuxinyu95 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 16 03:36:57 CEST 2011
I summarize the pattern matching method for AVL tree here:
Also the proof of the height boundary and updating of the balancing factors
are provided.
On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 10:54 AM, larry.liuxinyu <liuxinyu95 at gmail.com>wrote:
> Hi,
> I browsed the current AVL tree implementation in Hackage
> http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/AvlTree/4.2/doc/html/src/Data-Tree-AVL-Push.html
> AVL tree denote the different of height from right sub-tree to left
> sub-tree as delta, to keep the
> balance, abs(delta)<=1 is kept as invariant.
> So the typical implementation define N (Negative), P (Positive), and Z
> (zero) as the tree valid nodes
> (and the Empty as the trivial case).
> When a new element is inserted, the program typically first check if
> the result will break the balance, and
> process rotation to keep the balance of the tree. Some other pure
> functional implementation takes
> the same approach, for example:
> Guy Cousineau and Michel Mauny. ``The Functional Approach to
> Programming''. pp 173 ~ 186
> Consider the elegant implementation of Red-black tree in pattern
> matching way by Chris Okasaki, I tried to use the same method in AVL
> tree, and here is the result.
> module AVLTree where
> -- for easy verification, I used Quick Check package.
> import Test.QuickCheck
> import qualified Data.List as L -- for verification purpose only
> -- Definition of AVL tree, it is almost as same as BST, besides a new
> field to store delta.
> data AVLTree a = Empty
> | Br (AVLTree a) a (AVLTree a) Int
> insert::(Ord a)=>AVLTree a -> a -> AVLTree a
> insert t x = fst $ ins t where
> -- result of ins is a pair (t, d), t: tree, d: increment of height
> ins Empty = (Br Empty x Empty 0, 1)
> ins (Br l k r d)
> | x < k = node (ins l) k (r, 0) d
> | x == k = (Br l k r d, 0) -- For duplicate element, we
> just ignore it.
> | otherwise = node (l, 0) k (ins r) d
> -- params: (left, increment on left) key (right, increment on right)
> node::(AVLTree a, Int) -> a -> (AVLTree a, Int) -> Int -> (AVLTree a,
> Int)
> node (l, dl) k (r, dr) d = balance (Br l k r d', delta) where
> d' = d + dr - dl
> delta = deltaH d d' dl dr
> -- delta(Height) = max(|R'|, |L'|) - max (|R|, |L|)
> -- where we denote height(R) as |R|
> deltaH :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
> deltaH d d' dl dr
> | d >=0 && d' >=0 = dr
> | d <=0 && d' >=0 = d+dr
> | d >=0 && d' <=0 = dl - d
> | otherwise = dl
> -- Here is the core pattern matching part, there are 4 cases need
> rebalance
> balance :: (AVLTree a, Int) -> (AVLTree a, Int)
> balance (Br (Br (Br a x b dx) y c (-1)) z d (-2), _) = (Br (Br a x b
> dx) y (Br c z d 0) 0, 0)
> balance (Br a x (Br b y (Br c z d dz) 1) 2, _) = (Br (Br a x b
> 0) y (Br c z d dz) 0, 0)
> balance (Br (Br a x (Br b y c dy) 1) z d (-2), _) = (Br (Br a x b
> dx') y (Br c z d dz') 0, 0) where
> dx' = if dy == 1 then -1 else 0
> dz' = if dy == -1 then 1 else 0
> balance (Br a x (Br (Br b y c dy) z d (-1)) 2, _) = (Br (Br a x b
> dx') y (Br c z d dz') 0, 0) where
> dx' = if dy == 1 then -1 else 0
> dz' = if dy == -1 then 1 else 0
> balance (t, d) = (t, d)
> -- Here are some auxiliary functions for verification
> -- check if a AVLTree is valid
> isAVL :: (AVLTree a) -> Bool
> isAVL Empty = True
> isAVL (Br l _ r d) = and [isAVL l, isAVL r, d == (height r - height
> l), abs d <= 1]
> height :: (AVLTree a) -> Int
> height Empty = 0
> height (Br l _ r _) = 1 + max (height l) (height r)
> checkDelta :: (AVLTree a) -> Bool
> checkDelta Empty = True
> checkDelta (Br l _ r d) = and [checkDelta l, checkDelta r, d ==
> (height r - height l)]
> -- Auxiliary functions to build tree from a list, as same as BST
> fromList::(Ord a)=>[a] -> AVLTree a
> fromList = foldl insert Empty
> toList :: (AVLTree a) -> [a]
> toList Empty = []
> toList (Br l k r _) = toList l ++ [k] ++ toList r
> -- test
> prop_bst :: (Ord a, Num a) => [a] -> Bool
> prop_bst xs = (L.sort $ L.nub xs) == (toList $ fromList xs)
> prop_avl :: (Ord a, Num a) => [a] -> Bool
> prop_avl = isAVL . fromList . L.nub
> And here are my result in ghci:
> *AVLTree> test prop_avl
> OK, passed 100 tests.
> The program is available in github:
> http://www.google.com/url?sa=D&q=https://github.com/liuxinyu95/AlgoXY/blob/algoxy/datastruct/tree/AVL-tree/src/AVLTree.hs
> I haven't provided delete function yet.
> Cheers.
> --
> Larry, LIU
> https://github.com/liuxinyu95/AlgoXY
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