[Haskell-cafe] -- Extension for "Pearls of Functional Algorithm Design" by Richard Bird, 2010, page 25 #Haskell -- Extension for "Pearls of Functional Algorithm Design" by Richard Bird, -- 2010, page 25 #Haskell -- This version assumes 3 disjoint ordered sets represented as sorted arrays.ts.
caseyh at istar.ca
caseyh at istar.ca
Fri Apr 29 04:13:15 CEST 2011
-- Extension for "Pearls of Functional Algorithm Design" by Richard
Bird, 2010, page 25 #Haskell
-- O(log|X|+log|Y|+log|Z|) performance
-- Question: is there a way to get the type signature as the following:
-- smallest :: (Ord a) => Int -> [Array Int a] -> a
module SelectionProblem where
import Data.Array
import Data.List
-- Works on 2 finite ordered disjoint sets represented as sorted arrays.
smallest :: (Ord a) => Int -> (Array Int a, Array Int a) -> a
smallest k (xa,ya) =
~~~~search k (xa,ya) (0,m+1) (0,n+1)
~~~~~~~~(0,m) = bounds xa
~~~~~~~~(0,n) = bounds ya
-- Removed some of the "indexitis" at the cost of calling another function.
search :: (Ord a) => Int -> (Array Int a, Array Int a) -> (Int,Int) ->
(Int,Int) -> a
search k (xa,ya) (lx,rx) (ly,ry)
~~~~| lx == rx = ya ! (k+ly)
~~~~| ly == ry = xa ! (k+lx)
~~~~| otherwise = case (xa ! mx < ya ! my) of
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(True) -> smallest2h k (xa,ya)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(False) -> smallest2h k (ya,xa)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~mx = (lx+rx) `div` 2
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~my = (ly+ry) `div` 2
-- Here the sorted arrays are in order by their middle elements.
-- Only cutting the leading or trailing array by half.
-- Here xa is the first array and ya the second array by their middle
smallest2h :: (Ord a) => Int -> (Array Int a, Array Int a) ->
((Int,Int,Int),(Int,Int,Int)) -> a
smallest2h k (xa,ya) ((lx,mx,rx),(ly,my,ry)) =
~~~~case (k<=mx-lx+my-ly) of
~~~~~~(True) -> search k (xa,ya) (lx,rx) (ly,my)
~~~~~~(False) -> search (k-(mx-lx)-1) (xa,ya) (mx+1,rx) (ly,ry)
-- Works on 3 finite ordered disjoint sets represented as sorted arrays.
smallest3 :: (Ord a) => Int -> (Array Int a, Array Int a, Array Int a) -> a
smallest3 k (xa,ya,za) =
~~~~-- On each recursive call the order of the arrays can switch.
~~~~search3 k (xa,ya,za) (0,bx+1) (0,by+1) (0,bz+1)
~~~~~~~~(0,bx) = bounds xa
~~~~~~~~(0,by) = bounds ya
~~~~~~~~(0,bz) = bounds za
-- Removed some of the "indexitis" at the cost of calling another function.
search3 :: (Ord a) => Int -> (Array Int a, Array Int a, Array Int a) ->
~~~~~~~~~~~~(Int,Int) -> (Int,Int) -> (Int,Int) -> a
search3 k (xa,ya,za) (lx,rx) (ly,ry) (lz,rz)
~~~~| lx == rx && ly == ry = za ! (k+lz)
~~~~| ly == ry && lz == rz = xa ! (k+lx)
~~~~| lx == rx && lz == rz = ya ! (k+ly)
~~~~| lx == rx = search k (ya,za) (ly,ry) (lz,rz)
~~~~| ly == ry = search k (xa,za) (lx,rx) (lz,rz)
~~~~| lz == rz = search k (xa,ya) (lx,rx) (ly,ry)
~~~~| otherwise = case (xa ! mx < ya ! my, xa ! mx < za ! mz, ya ! my
< za ! mz) of
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(True, True, True) -> smallest3h k (xa,ya,za)
((lx,mx,rx),(ly,my,ry),(lz,mz,rz)) -- a<b<c
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(True, True, False) -> smallest3h k (xa,za,ya)
((lx,mx,rx),(lz,mz,rz),(ly,my,ry)) -- a<c<b
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(False, True, True) -> smallest3h k (ya,xa,za)
((ly,my,ry),(lx,mx,rx),(lz,mz,rz)) -- b<a<c
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(False, False, True) -> smallest3h k (ya,za,xa)
((ly,my,ry),(lz,mz,rz),(lx,mx,rx)) -- b<c<a
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(True, False, False) -> smallest3h k (za,xa,ya)
((lz,mz,rz),(lx,mx,rx),(ly,my,ry)) -- c<a<b
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(False, False, False) -> smallest3h k (za,ya,xa)
((lz,mz,rz),(ly,my,ry),(lx,mx,rx)) -- c<b<a
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~mx = (lx+rx) `div` 2
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~my = (ly+ry) `div` 2
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~mz = (lz+rz) `div` 2
-- Here the sorted arrays are in order by their middle elements.
-- Only cutting the leading or trailing array by half.
-- Here xa is the first array, ya the second array, and za the third
array by their middle elements.
smallest3h :: (Ord a) => Int -> (Array Int a, Array Int a, Array Int a) ->
~~~~~~~~((Int,Int,Int),(Int,Int,Int),(Int,Int,Int)) -> a
smallest3h k (xa,ya,za) ((lx,mx,rx),(ly,my,ry),(lz,mz,rz)) =
~~~~case (k<=mx-lx+my-ly+mz-lz) of
~~~~~~(True) -> search3 k (xa,ya,za) (lx,rx) (ly,ry) (lz,mz)
~~~~~~(False) -> search3 (k-(mx-lx)-1) (xa,ya,za) (mx+1,rx) (ly,ry) (lz,rz)
-- To convert a list into an array indexed from 0.
xa = listArray (0, length xs - 1) xs
ya = listArray (0, length ys - 1) ys
za = listArray (0, length zs - 1) zs
xs = [0,17..90]
ys = [1,13..69]
zs = [7,24..91]
ua = listArray (0, length us - 1) us
va = listArray (0, length vs - 1) vs
wa = listArray (0, length ws - 1) ws
us = [0,17..100]
vs = [101,121..200]
ws = [201,221..300]
-- *SelectionProblem> sort (xs++ys++zs)
-- [0,1,7,13,17,24,25,34,37,41,49,51,58,61,68,75,85]
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