[Haskell-cafe] ANN: Leksah 0.10.0

Daniel Fischer daniel.is.fischer at googlemail.com
Tue Apr 26 15:15:18 CEST 2011

On Tuesday 26 April 2011 02:00:32, jutaro wrote:
> Well, it is a bit more intricate to invert the sides. After
> * swapping LeftP and RightP in Edit Prefs -> Initial Pane positions
> * Close all panes and pane groups. (You may leave an editor window open,
> so that you better see what happens in the next steps).
> * Collapse all (Hit Ctrl-1 - 2 times)
> * Split vertical (Hit Ctrl-2), put the focus to the left, split
> horizontal (Hit Ctrl-3)
> * Go to Panes Menu and reopen the Log and the Browser and an editor
> Window * Configure tabs as you like
> * Save the session or restart Leksah

Intricate indeed. If some day you have too much time, consider adding 
configuration options for that. Until then, how about putting that in the 

> > How do I configure autocompletion to only begin after three or four
> > letters
> > have been typed?
> Go to Edit Prefs -> GUI Options, and select "Complete only on Hotkey",
> then hit
> Ctrl-Space if you want completion.

Not ideal (for me), but good enough I think. Although, I find kate's 
configuration option to start autocompletion after n letters *very* nice.

> Daniel Fischer wrote:
> > Decreasing indentation via backspace goes one column per backspace,
> > how can
> > I configure it to go to the next (previous) tab position on backspace
> > in the leading whitespace of a line?
> You can't do this currently, but you can post a wish for enhancement to
> our issue tracker.

Quoth Hamish:
> <shift><tab> works, but it is a bit dumb.
> Changing <backspace> is on my wish list too.  I think we should make
> it look at the text above to find the correct indentation points.

So there's initial support for it, good sign.

> Please try to run Leksah with the default config
> (~/.leksah-0.10/packageSources)

Will do. Unfortunately I had to wipe the old OS from disk and now have to 
rebuild a couple of GHCs and a load of libraries (different gmp version), 
that'll take a while.

> Indeed leksah may use more memory on the first run

That's natural, collecting the data isn't free.

> (actually it is ghc, which uses it).

I'm not sure about that. According to top, leksah-server used that much 
memory long after ghc ran last. And on the second start, it didn't invoke 
ghc (at least, no ghc was reported by top). Looks a bit as though it 
doesn't write the data soon enough. Or it could have been the first sign of 
my OS crashing.

> But on consecutive starts it may use about/up to 150MB, but not the
> numbers you give.

That's more reasonable. We'll see.

> So please try to run Leksah with the default config, and see if the
> problem remains.

Yes, but as mentioned above, that'll not be immediately.

> Jürgen


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