[Haskell-cafe] An example of enumerator processing some data between input and output

Paul Sujkov psujkov at gmail.com
Wed Apr 20 14:01:22 CEST 2011

Hi Oleg,

thank you for the answer, things are getting much clearer now.

On 20 April 2011 09:08, <oleg at okmij.org> wrote:

> Paul Sujkov wrote:
> > I played a bit with the enumerator package, and I'm quite stuck with the
> > question how to duplex data to two (or more) consumers
> Many packages have the combinator named enumPair (or something like
> that). Here is one example
>        http://okmij.org/ftp/ftp/Streams.html#1enum2iter
> The combinator is quite useful for logging, for dumping the contents
> of the stream as it is being processed.
> > actually I need to pipeline output of one consumer to another
> > (outputting text after making some internal representation - with Show
> > instance - with the parseData).
> You need enumeratees, which convert one stream into another. There are
> many examples of those: e.g., converting a stream of bytes into a stream
> of lines, or a stream of compressed/encoded data into the plaintext
> stream. You enumerator package probably has them. The Stream.html page
> also describes many examples of enumeratees.

Regards, Paul Sujkov
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