[Haskell-cafe] A maintenance command of Haskell cabal packages

Jason Dagit dagitj at gmail.com
Fri Apr 1 04:12:20 CEST 2011

On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 7:07 PM, Kazu Yamamoto <kazu at iij.ad.jp> wrote:

> > whoah, it has uninstall!!! awesome!
> It just unregisters libraries not delete them actually. But I guess it
> is enough for you.
> The "cabal-delete" command does delete libraries and I'm planning to
> integrate "cab" and "cabal-delete". But the author of "cabal-delete"
> is now suffering from the Tsunami in Japan. I'm just waiting for
> his recovery.
> I want to integrate "cab" and "cabal-dev" also. But I cannot
> understand how to use "cabal-dev" at this momemnt...

Have you read this?

cabal-dev is a wrapper around cabal.  It creates the directory "cabal-dev"
in your current directory when you run commands.

If you understand how to use 'cabal' then 'cabal-dev' should be pretty easy
to figure out.  Do you have any specific questions?

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