[Haskell-cafe] copy of boost graph library
Thomas Bereknyei
tomberek at gmail.com
Tue Sep 14 17:12:12 EDT 2010
I was looking around and liked some of the ways that Boost organizes
its libraries. So it got me thinking that it might be easy to use the
same for a Haskell graph library. This IS NOT FGL, but does include
some elements of it at the end (InductiveGraph).
Mostly what I like, is that it presents a (somewhat) logical sequence
of operations for a graph writer to implement, getting a few freebies
along the way. There aren't too many extensions or complications.
The most odd thing is the way I arranged the types. A quick look at
some typesigs should clear up confusion, but:
Node g is the entire node, eg (Int,a)
NodeIndex is just the index eg Int
NodeLabel is just the label eg. a the same for edge.
I'm just fishing for ideas and opinions, and whether or not this seems
simpler to use.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies
--TODO: Visitors? DFF searches
import qualified Data.IntMap as I
import Data.List (find,unfoldr,foldl')
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Control.Arrow (second)
class Graph g where
type NodeIndex g
type EdgeIndex g
type Node g --The entire node, including index, any labels and/or data.
type Edge g --ditto
node_index :: g -> Node g -> NodeIndex g
edge_index :: g -> Edge g -> EdgeIndex g
empty :: g
isEmpty :: g -> Bool
mkGraph :: [Node g] -> [Edge g] -> g
class Graph g => DirectionalGraph g where
edges_out :: g -> NodeIndex g -> [Edge g]
source , target :: g -> EdgeIndex g -> Node g
degree_out :: g -> NodeIndex g -> Int
degree_out = length ... edges_out
class DirectionalGraph g => BidirectionalGraph g where
edges_in :: g -> NodeIndex g -> [Edge g]
edges_both :: g -> NodeIndex g -> [Edge g]
edges_both g n = edges_out g n ++ edges_in g n
degree_in :: g -> NodeIndex g -> Int
degree_in = length ... edges_in
degree :: g -> NodeIndex g -> Int
degree g n = degree_out g n + degree_in g n
class Graph g => AdjacencyGraph g where
nodes_out,nodes_in,nodes_both :: g -> NodeIndex g -> [NodeIndex g]
class Graph g => VertexGraph g where
nodes :: g -> [Node g]
node :: g -> NodeIndex g -> Maybe (Node g)
hasNode :: g -> NodeIndex g -> Bool
hasNode g n = maybe False (const True) (node g n)
order :: g -> Int
order = length . nodes
class Graph g => EdgeGraph g where
edges :: g -> [Edge g]
edge :: g -> EdgeIndex g -> Maybe (Edge g)
hasEdge :: g -> EdgeIndex g -> Bool
hasEdge g e = maybe False (const True) (edge g e)
size :: g -> Int
size = length . edges
class Graph g => MutableGraph g where
insert_node :: Node g -> g -> g --if preexists, update
remove_node :: NodeIndex g -> g -> g
insert_edge :: Edge g -> g -> g --if preexists, update
remove_edge :: EdgeIndex g -> g -> g
class Graph g => PropertyGraph g where
type NodeLabel g
type EdgeLabel g
node_label :: Node g -> NodeLabel g
edge_label :: Edge g -> EdgeLabel g
node_labelize :: NodeIndex g -> NodeLabel g -> Node g
edge_labelize :: EdgeIndex g -> EdgeLabel g -> Edge g
get_node_label :: g -> NodeIndex g -> NodeLabel g
get_edge_label :: g -> EdgeIndex g -> EdgeLabel g
class (VertexGraph g,BidirectionalGraph g,MutableGraph g) =>
InductiveGraph g where
data Context g
edgesInC :: Context g -> [Edge g]
nodeC :: Context g -> Node g
edgesOutC :: Context g -> [Edge g]
make_context :: [Edge g] -> Node g -> [Edge g] -> Context g
--minimum definition is match or context, but default works too
context :: g -> NodeIndex g -> Maybe (Context g)
--context = fmap fst ... match
context g n = do foundNode <- node g n
return $ make_context (edges_in g n) foundNode
(edges_out g n)
match :: g -> NodeIndex g -> Maybe (Context g,g)
match g n = fmap (flip (,) $ remove_node n g) $ context g n
insert :: Context g -> g -> g
insert c g = foldr insert_edge g'' (edgesOutC c)
g' = insert_node (nodeC c) g
g'' = foldr insert_edge g' (edgesInC c)
toContexts :: g -> [Context g]
toContexts g = unfoldr matchIt (g, map (node_index g) $ nodes g)
matchIt (_, []) = Nothing
matchIt (g', (n:ns)) = fmap (second (flip (,) ns)) $ match g n
fromContexts :: [Context g] -> g
fromContexts = foldr insert empty
adjust :: (Context g -> Context g) -> NodeIndex g -> g -> g
adjust f n g = maybe g (uncurry (insert . f)) $ match g n
gfoldr :: (Context g -> b -> b) -> b -> g -> b
gfoldr f i = foldr f i . toContexts
gfoldl' :: (b -> Context g -> b) -> b -> g -> b
gfoldl' f i = foldl' f i . toContexts
gfilter :: (Context g -> Bool) -> g -> g
gfilter f = fromContexts . filter f . toContexts
class (InductiveGraph g) => MappableGraph g where
gmap :: InductiveGraph g' => (Context g -> Context g') -> g -> g'
gmap f = fromContexts . map f . toContexts
nmap :: (InductiveGraph g,Edge g ~ Edge g) => (Node g -> Node g) -> g -> g
nmap f = gmap f' where
f' c = make_context (edgesInC c) (f $ nodeC c) (edgesOutC c)
emap :: ( InductiveGraph g', Node g ~ Node g') => (Edge g ->
Edge g') -> g -> g'
emap f = gmap f' where
f' c = make_context (map f $ edgesInC c) (nodeC c) (map f $
edgesOutC c)
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