[Haskell-cafe] Re: Do expression definition
Michael Lazarev
lazarev.michael at gmail.com
Mon Sep 13 06:22:30 EDT 2010
Thanks for examples and pointers.
Since I came from Lisp, it never occurred to me that let and lambda
are different constructs in Haskell.
I thought that
let x = y in f
is really
(\x -> f) y
It turns out that let is about declarations which are not the same as
function applications above.
So, here is a little followup for this experiment.
Prelude> :t (\f -> (f 42, f True))
No instance for (Num Bool)
arising from the literal `42' at <interactive>:1:10-11
Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Num Bool)
In the first argument of `f', namely `42'
In the expression: f 42
In the expression: (f 42, f True)
If I understand correctly, compiler first checks f 42, and deduces
that f must be of type (Num a) => a -> b.
Then it checks f True, and it does not satisfy the previously deduced
type for f, because type of True is not in Num class.
This works:
Prelude> :t (\f -> (f 42, f 41.9))
(\f -> (f 42, f 41.9)) :: (Fractional t1) => (t1 -> t) -> (t, t)
It just managed to deduce a type for f :: (Fractional t1) => (t1 -> t)
And this, of course, works:
Prelude> let f = id in (f 42, f True)
If I understand correctly again, it happens because f is a definition,
which gets substituted to f 42 and to f True.
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