[Haskell-cafe] Re: gtk2hs gtkbuilder

Andy Stewart lazycat.manatee at gmail.com
Sun Mar 14 13:15:20 EDT 2010

"Andrew U. Frank" <frank at geoinfo.tuwien.ac.at> writes:

> i currently use gtk2hs with libglade (and glade). i understand that the 
> gtkbuilder allows more constructs than libglade. how to use gtkbuilder in 
> gtk2hs? i see that John Millikin has posted a patch for gtk2hs - but i cannot 
> find it and no documentation for its use? can anyone point me to a patched 
> version of gtk2hs and some examples?
You can see demo program under `demo/gtkbuilder` of gtk2hs.
Just do `make`, then run ./gtkbuilder


  -- Andy

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