[Haskell-cafe] Re: ANNOUNCE: yesod 0.0.0 (web framework)

Gour gour at gour-nitai.com
Wed Mar 10 11:00:44 EST 2010

On Wed, 10 Mar 2010 07:24:15 -0800
>>>>>> "Michael" == Michael Snoyman <michael at snoyman.com> wrote:

Michael> Right now, the only WAI backends I'm aware of are the two I've
Michael> written: SimpleServer and CGI. Assuming Cherokee and nginx
Michael> support CGI, then yes, you could deploy there.

I'm more interested for Cherokee (that's what I've installed for my
Django-stuff on webfaction) and yes, of course, Cherokee supports CGI,
FastCGI, SCGI (I use uWSGI for Django)...

Michael> That said, I intend to port hack-handler-fastcgi to WAI in the
Michael> not-too-distant future. If anyone needs it sooner, just send
Michael> me an e-mail, it will probably take very little time to port
Michael> since it was simply a layer on top of hack-handler-cgi.

No, rush here, but the whole Yesod/WAI development looks quite
encouraging that we can get solid platform for web development in
Haskell pretty soon. :-)

What about Happs guys? Are they involved in WAI?

Michael> Of course, there's a whole range of WAI backends that are
Michael> possible. SimpleServer is not that great a production server,
Michael> so I wouldn't mind getting Hyena or Happserver working with

Michael> If we get really adventurous, we could aim for a mod_haskell.

If mod_haskell means Apache, we do not need it here preferring stuff
like Cherokee/nginx/...



Gour  | Hlapicina, Croatia  | GPG key: F96FF5F6
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