[Haskell-cafe] Functional programming techniques in small projects

Markus Dönges markus.doenges at stud.uni-due.de
Mon Jun 21 01:32:42 EDT 2010

Hello Community,

I am a student from the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, and at 
the moment I am writing my bachelor thesis about "Post-Mass-Prodcution 
Softwaresupply/ -development in case of an University administration". 
This approach deals with student-driven software development in which 
functional programming techniques (ie, Haskell) and agile development 
approaches matter.

I am looking for opinions and statements on how small (agile) software 
development projects may benefit from functional programming techniques 
(perhaps in contrast to imperative programming techniques).

Since I am at the very start, I would appreciate further literature 
advices. In addition, does anybody know particular people who are 
familiar with this topic?

Any answer is appreciated :-)

Regards, Markus

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