[Haskell-cafe] Re: Hackage survey

Sylvain Le Gall sylvain at le-gall.net
Tue Jul 20 08:38:40 EDT 2010


On 20-07-2010, Christopher Done <chrisdone at googlemail.com> wrote:
>  Do you value libraries/tools that are shipped through Hackage?
>     * Yes, I always use only libraries/tools available on Hackage
>     * Yes, but if a package is not available on Hackage, I will still use it
> I'm torn between the first two. I picked the first. If it's not
> available on Hackage, I will usually package it up and put it on
> Hackage. (E.g. the Frisby library hasn't been on Hackage for some
> reason so I uploaded it http://hackage.haskell.org/package/frisby)

I think you pick the right answer. 

> Anyway, I took the survey. Nice idea. How much response have you had so far?

I have 239 answers so far. This is far beyond what I expected. Right
now, my problem is that polldady limits answers to 100 per month, so I
will have to wait until August to be able to read 200 answers (and
september for the rest). But, you can still answer to the poll -- I will
probably upgrade my account to read all the answers before september ;-)

If you want to know some basic things I discover:
- Being able to rate/comment a package is a must have
- Most common pitfalls: Difficult to choose which library to use    

I never thought of adding ratings/comments to my OCaml project
(OASIS-DB). All your answers already clarify a very important feature
missing from my project. A lot of thanks.

Sylvain Le Gall

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