[Haskell-cafe] Unix emulation

Felipe Lessa felipe.lessa at gmail.com
Sun Aug 22 08:48:01 EDT 2010


I take it that the problem is that libcurl is a C library with a
Unix-like build system, and that is the problem that needs Cygwin,

I'm not a Windows expert, but having C code is perfectly fine, I
guess.  My 'hipmunk' library includes a whole C library.  When I tried
to 'cabal install' it on Windows, it worked flawlessly even if I never
really did develop it for Windows.

Given that the problem is building libcurl, and not the Haskell curl
package, won't a binary distribution of libcurl cut it?  I was
thinking of [1], where there is an installer for libcurl.


Cheers! =)


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