[Haskell-cafe] iPhone/Android and Haskell [Was: Embedded funcional programming?]

John Meacham john at repetae.net
Tue Aug 10 19:42:51 EDT 2010

On Sun, Aug 08, 2010 at 01:08:30AM +0000, Mathew de Detrich wrote:
> In my opinion the most "reliable" approach would actually to produce the C
> that wraps around NDK (for any code that could be possible) which would
> obviously interface with the Java libraries. Probably the biggest bane of
> Android is the fact that its able to run on almost all machines means that
> there *would* be issues using LLVM to just produce code for the generic ARM.

I have heard anecdotal reports that the output from jhc can be compiled
with the NDK to android aps with minor changes. If anyone wanted to run
with this, I'd add it as a first class target platform for jhc.


John Meacham - ⑆repetae.net⑆john⑈ - http://notanumber.net/

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