[Haskell-cafe] Market Place for Haskell development teams?
Job Vranish
jvranish at gmail.com
Tue Sep 29 10:03:18 EDT 2009
If there is demand for shops to work on smaller jobs in haskell then I
think a having a more specific marketplace/communication platform for
haskell work would be very helpful. If there is a perceived demand, supply
will soon follow.
- Job
On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 5:48 AM, Jörg Roman Rudnick <
joerg.rudnick at t-online.de> wrote:
> These problems are critical -- but not hopeless, I think:
> (1) A simple technical matter, any average Haskell programmer (including
> myself...) can build a platform, e.g. in Happstack or the like, to clear
> this up (given you want to do this in Haskell ;-).
> (4) This is a special one, which I have pondered on some time ago. The
> customers' main concern seems to be "will this company still support me in n
> years??"
> o if the project is interesting enough, I see hope there might be some
> academic unit willing to partake in this, as I have heard enough complaint
> of not having enough examples to demonstrate business relevance to students.
> Normally, the customer should have no problem in believing an academic unit
> and its interests to last some time.
> o I would propose to pick up the insourcing concept -- as, what I can
> confirm by my own teaching experiences, it sometimes is easier to introduce
> Haskell to beginners (once the do have sufficient OS experience) then to
> people who already are adherents of some other language. Ok, we might need
> some more introductory literature etc.
> (3) Yes, there seem to be lots of people organized at a smaller level than
> what I described -- groups of one or very few members, working on a limited
> time range.
> Yesterday, I would have written there should be remarkable interest in
> greater projects, but, due to the poor resonance to my mail, I feel wary to
> do so now.
> (3)&(2) Such a reserved reaction might indicate many Haskellers are not
> motivated by the money but by the fame, and -- as the lively succJava thread
> shows -- what could be greater fame (besides the evaluation of 42) than
> stealing the Java etc. community just another attractive project? ;-))
> Do I go wrong in saying there's a good deal of competitive spirit in the
> Haskell community interesting in taking claims away of other programming
> cultures which have grown saturated over the years? And, isn't the this
> *Haskeller bonus* indicating that doing the step to larger project should
> not be as hard as for others?
> A remaining issue might be a need for some facility to find cooperations
> and realize synergies -- see (1).
> Enough blah-blah. I got one email response (not posted to here) of a highly
> qualified Haskeller whom I could name two projects which might have
> interested him in his proximity, 80 miles and 75 miles away (and I do not
> have so many...). My learning is that a communication platform in this
> concern might be interesting to at least some of us. There are larger
> projects possible -- if we pick them up.
> All the best,
> Nick
> John A. De Goes wrote:
> It's very difficult to find information on:
> 1. How many Haskell developers are out there;
> 2. What a typical salary is for a Haskell developer;
> 3. Whether or not the skills of a typical Haskell developer scale to large
> applications (most Haskell developers are "hobby" Haskellers and have only
> written tiny to small Haskell apps);
> 4. How many shops are capable of handling Haskell development &
> maintenance.
> These are the kinds of information one needs to make an informed decision
> about whether to introduce Haskell into the workplace.
> Regards,
> John A. De Goes
> N-Brain, Inc.
> The Evolution of Collaboration
> http://www.n-brain.net | 877-376-2724 x 101
> On Sep 28, 2009, at 7:01 AM, Jörg Roman Rudnick wrote:
> In the last months, I made the experience it seems difficult to find
> commercial Haskell developer teams to take responsibility for projects in
> the range of $ 10.000 - 100.000. The Industrial Haskell Group does not seem
> to be the appropriate place for this, while harvesting Haskell team at
> general market places appears to be tedious.
> I would be very interested in others' experiences, and inhowfar my opinion
> is shared that there should be a demand for such a market place, for
> developer teams as well as those sympathizing with introducing Haskell
> somewhere.
> Nick
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