[Haskell-cafe] Processing EXIF data with Haskell

Don Stewart dons at galois.com
Sun Sep 27 12:09:39 EDT 2009

> I'm writing web software for a photograph gallery. I want to be able
> to display selective fields from the EXIF data. I thought I would be
> able to use the GD and exif libraries from Hackage to do
> this. However:
> Calling Graphics.GD.loadJpegByteString followed by
> Graphics.GD.saveJpegFile does not preserve the EXIF fields of the
> uploaded file, but instead writes some new ones (many fewer fields
> than the original, and nothing of interest).
> Graphics.Exif.allTags shows an interesting subset of the original EXIF
> data, but nothing from the version saved by GD.
> Can anyone shed any light on any of this?

Contact the author, patch the library?

-- Don

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