[Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Palindromes 0.1

Rafael Cunha de Almeida almeidaraf at gmail.com
Mon Sep 7 15:21:08 EDT 2009

Johan Jeuring wrote:
> Palindromes
> ==============================================
> Palindromes is a package for finding palindromes in files.
> Visit the homepage
>   http://www.jeuring.net/Palindromes/

A few options are not working well:
$ ./palindromes --h
* Palindrome Finder *
palindromes: --h: openFile: does not exist (No such file or directory)
$ cat f
socorram-me subi no onibus em marrocos
$ ./palindromes -tl f
* Palindrome Finder *

    palindrome [command-line-options] input-file

The following options are available:
  --h: This message
  -p : Print the longest palindrome (default)
  -ps: Print the longest palindrome around each position in the input
  -l : Print the length of the longest palindrome
  -ls: Print the length of the longest palindrome around each position
in the input
  -t : Print the longest palindrome ignoring case, spacing and punctuation
  -tl: Print the length of the longest text palindrome

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