[Haskell-cafe] Re: Howto start a bigger project

Günther Schmidt gue.schmidt at web.de
Mon Nov 16 19:42:54 EST 2009

Hi Greg,

you folks sure aren't, but I'm so bloody disorganized, I'll never it right  
this way.


Am 17.11.2009, 00:50 Uhr, schrieb Gregory Crosswhite  
<gcross at phys.washington.edu>:

> If all you are looking for is a place to chat about and garner feedback  
> on your ideas for a new Haskell library, then why don't you just tell  
> *us* what's on your mind?  :-)
> I mean, we've just spent 37 posts talking about monoids in the last 48  
> hours, so we aren't exactly an unopinionated and reticent crowd.  :-)
> - Greg
> On Nov 16, 2009, at 3:25 PM, Günther Schmidt wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I don't think the *project* is ready for sourceforge or similar yet. I  
>> was thinking more about something bloggish first, where I could state  
>> some thoughts first and where people could then comment or otherwise  
>> contribute.
>> I reckon it will be some time until the project needs a code  
>> repository, I'd need something first where I can sketch the whole thing  
>> and collect ideas.
>> Günther
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