[Haskell-cafe] Gauss Elimination -> More Clean2Haskell
Philippos Apolinarius
phi500ac at yahoo.ca
Tue Nov 3 15:02:06 EST 2009
I am keeping with my project of translating programs from Clean to Haskell. As far as arrays go, I don't understand well how to use them in Haskell. Therefore, I will appreciate if somebody can find time to check the program below, and make suggestions to improve it. My Haskell program is about 4 times slower than the Clean version. It would be great if one could reduce the execution time by half, approaching to the speed of Clean and Scheme. Here are the constraints:
1 --- The program must be implemented using arrays. Update must be done in place, in order to minimize use of the garbage collector. I have used Data.Array.IO, but I guess that Data.Array.ST is better. Is it easy to rewrite the program in order to use DataArray.ST?
2 -- I liked very much the forM_ monad. I wonder if there is an accumulating monad that play the role of a program like leftSide.
3 -- Clean program almost double its speed, if one uses strictness annotations. Is it possible to use similar anotations for Haskell?
Here is how I compiled the program:
ghc -O2 gel.hs --make
In order to run the program with 2000 equations, type
gel.exe 2000 +RTS -sstderr
The program will create a linear system with 2000 equations so that all elements of the solution is equal to 1. It prints 20 elements of the solution.
Here is the program:
{- File: gel.hs
Compilation: ghc -O2 gel.hs --make
Run: time gel.exe 2000
import Control.Monad
import Data.Array.IO
import System.IO
import System.Random
import System (getArgs)
prtSol i n1 arr | i < 1= return ()
prtSol i n1 arr= do
b <- readArray arr (i, n1)
putStr ((show b)++" ")
prtSol (i-1) n1 arr
fillArray xs s (i, n) (j, m) arr | i > n= return ()
fillArray xs s (i,n) (j, m) arr | i==n && j>m= do
writeArray arr (i, j) s
return ()
fillArray xs s (i, n) (j, m) arr | j > m = do
writeArray arr (i, j) s
fillArray xs 0.0 (i+1, n) (1, m) arr
fillArray (val:xs) s (i, n) (j, m) arr= do
writeArray arr (i, j) val
fillArray xs (s+val) (i, n) (j+1, m) arr
sLU arr n= sIJ 2 1 2 n arr
sIJ i j k n arr | i > n = return ()
sIJ i j k n arr | k > n = sIJ (i+1) i (i+1) n arr
sIJ i j k n arr = do
im <- pmax (j+1) j
swap j im 1
a <- readArray arr (k, j)
forM_ [j..n+1] $ \l -> do
ajj <- readArray arr (j, j)
ajl <- readArray arr (j, l)
akl <- readArray arr (k, l)
writeArray arr (k, l) (akl-a*(ajl/ajj))
sIJ i j (k+1) n arr where
pmax line imax | line > n = return imax
pmax line imax = do
alj <- readArray arr (line, j)
aij <- readArray arr (imax, j)
if (abs alj)> (abs aij)
then pmax (line+1) line
else pmax (line+1) imax
swap r s q | q>n+1 = return ()
swap r s q | r==s = return ()
swap r s q = do
arq <- readArray arr (r,q)
asq <- readArray arr (s,q)
writeArray arr (s,q) arq
writeArray arr (r,q) asq
swap r s (q+1)
leftSide acc i j n arr | j>n= return acc
leftSide acc i j n arr = do
v <- readArray arr (j, n+1)
a <- readArray arr (i, j)
leftSide (acc-v*a) i (j+1) n arr
solvit i n arr | i<1= return ()
solvit i n arr= do
a <- readArray arr (i, i)
acc <- readArray arr (i, n+1)
v <- leftSide acc i (i+1) n arr
writeArray arr (i, n+1) (v/a)
solvit (i-1) n arr
rnList :: (Double, Double) -> IO [Double]
rnList r=getStdGen>>=(\x->return(randomRs r x))
dims [input] = (read input, read input)
dims _ = (1000, 1000)
main = do
xs <- rnList (1.0,1000.0)
args <- getArgs
let (n, m)= dims args
arr <- newArray_ ((1,1),(n,m+1)) ::
IO (IOUArray (Int, Int) Double)
fillArray xs 0.0 (1,n) (1,m) arr
sLU arr n
solvit n n arr
prtSol (min 20 n) (n+1) arr
print "Done"
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