[Haskell-cafe] haskell - main function
Mads Lindstrøm
mads_lindstroem at yahoo.dk
Sat May 9 10:57:12 EDT 2009
applebiz89 wrote:
> Could anyone look at this segment of code; it's not compiling wondering if
> anyone could correct me as to why. Thanks
> Code:
> -- Film as datatype
> type Title = String
> type Director = String
> type Year = Int
> type Fan = String
> data Film = Film Title Director Year [Fan]
> -- List of films
> testDatabase :: [Film]
> testDatabase = [(Film "Casino Royale" "Martin Campbell" 2006 ["Garry",
> "Dave", "Zoe"]) ]
> becomeFan :: Title -> fanName -> [Film] -> [Film]
> becomeFan _ _ [] = []
> becomeFan Title fanName ((Film Title Director Year fan):xs)
> | filmName == title = (Film Title Director Year fanName:fan) : xs
> | otherwise = (Film Title Director Year fan) : becomeFan Title fanName xs
> main :: [Film] -> IO()
> main db =
> do putStr "Hi there! what is your name: "
> fanName = getLine
> do putStr "1 = Insert film, 2 = Become a Fan, 3 = The number of fans of
> a film, 4 = Film released in a year, 5 = Given fan, 6 = Stop : "
> input = getLine
> x = read input :: Int
> if x == 1
> then do putStr "Enter film title: "
> filmTitle <- getLine
> putStr "Enter director name: "
> filmDirector <- getLine
> putStr "Enter release year: "
> filmYear <- getLine
> main insertFilm [Title Director Year [Film]]
> else if x == 2
> then do putStr "Enter film title: "
> filmTitle <- getLine
> putStr "Enter fan name: "
> fanName <- getLine
> main becomeFan [Title fanName]
> else if x == 3
> then do putStr "Enter film title: "
> filmTitle <- getLine
> main numberOfFans [Title]
> else if x == 4
> then do putStr "Enter film release year: "
> filmYear <- getLine
> main filmsInGivenYear [Year [Film]]
> else if x == 5
> then do putStr "Enter the fan name: "
> fanName <- getLine
> main givenUser [fanName [Film]]
> else if x = 6
> then return ()
You have an if without an else. You cannot have that. What should the
program do when x /= 6. And you write "x = 6" in stead of "x == 6".
But generally speaking, you want to include compiler output in "this is
not compiling"-messages to haskell-cafe.
Mads Lindstrøm
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