[Haskell-cafe] haskell - main function
Jeremy Shaw
jeremy at n-heptane.com
Sat May 9 10:42:57 EDT 2009
At Sat, 9 May 2009 04:54:13 -0700 (PDT),
applebiz89 wrote:
> Could anyone look at this segment of code; it's not compiling wondering if
> anyone could correct me as to why. Thanks
There is a ton of things wrong with that code.
I have attached a version that at least compiles, but there are still a
bunch of things that are wrong.
-------------- next part --------------
-- Film as datatype
type Title = String
type Director = String
type Year = Int
type Fan = String
data Film = Film Title Director Year [Fan]
-- List of films
testDatabase :: [Film]
testDatabase = [(Film "Casino Royale" "Martin Campbell" 2006 ["Garry","Dave", "Zoe"]) ]
becomeFan :: Title -> Fan -> [Film] -> [Film]
becomeFan _ _ [] = []
becomeFan title' fanName (film@(Film title director year fans) : films)
| title == title' = (Film title director year (fanName:fans)) : films
| otherwise = film : becomeFan title' fanName films
insertFilm = undefined
numberOfFans = undefined
filmsInGivenYear= undefined
givenUser = undefined
mainLoop :: [Film] -> IO()
mainLoop db =
do putStr "Hi there! what is your name: "
fanName <- getLine
putStr "1 = Insert film, 2 = Become a Fan, 3 = The number of fans of a film, 4 = Film released in a year, 5 = Given fan, 6 = Stop : "
input <- getLine
let x = read input :: Int
if x == 1
then do putStr "Enter film title: "
filmTitle <- getLine
putStr "Enter director name: "
filmDirector <- getLine
putStr "Enter release year: "
filmYear <- fmap read getLine
mainLoop $ insertFilm (Film filmTitle filmDirector filmYear []) db
else if x == 2
then do putStr "Enter film title: "
filmTitle <- getLine
putStr "Enter fan name: "
fanName <- getLine
mainLoop $ becomeFan filmTitle fanName db
else if x == 3
then do putStr "Enter film title: "
filmTitle <- getLine
mainLoop $ numberOfFans filmTitle db
else if x == 4
then do putStr "Enter film release year: "
filmYear <- getLine
mainLoop $ filmsInGivenYear filmYear db
else if x == 5
then do putStr "Enter the fan name: "
fanName <- getLine
mainLoop $ givenUser fanName db
else if x == 6
then return ()
else return ()
main :: IO ()
main = mainLoop testDatabase
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