[Haskell-cafe] Re: Tests

John Goerzen jgoerzen at complete.org
Tue May 5 17:54:51 EDT 2009

Guenther Schmidt wrote:
> let me first of all thank you for providing the HDBC package. Haskell 
> would be a much, much less usefull language without a working database 
> interface. I could certainly not have written the app in  Haskell 
> without it and in any other language I know writing this app would have 
> been much more difficult.

Thanks!  I'm glad you found it (and Real World Haskell) helpful.

> The problem is what's in the database.
> You'd think there'd be a "Günni" in the database, right?
> Wrong!
> At least this is where your library and Sqlite disagree. Sqlite with any 
> GUI client doesn't show a "Günni", it shows a "G!$%§$§%nni". So do MS 
> Access and MySql btw.

And now that is REALLY weird, because I can't duplicate it here.

I wrote this little Haskell program:

import Database.HDBC
import Database.HDBC.Sqlite3

main = do dbh <- connectSqlite3 "foo.db"
          run dbh "CREATE TABLE foo (bar text)" []
          run dbh "INSERT INTO foo VALUES (?)" [toSql "Günther"]
          run dbh "INSERT INTO foo VALUES (?)" [toSql "2-G\252nther"]
          commit dbh
          disconnect dbh

And when I inspect foo.db with the sqlite3 command-line tool:

/tmp$ sqlite3 foo.db
SQLite version 3.5.9
Enter ".help" for instructions
sqlite> select * from foo;

Exactly correct, as expected.

I can read it back correctly from Haskell, too:

import Database.HDBC
import Database.HDBC.Sqlite3
import qualified System.IO.UTF8 as U

main = do dbh <- connectSqlite3 "foo.db"
          results <- quickQuery' dbh "SELECT * from foo" []
          mapM_ ((print :: String -> IO ()) . fromSql . head) results
          mapM_ (U.putStrLn . fromSql . head) results
          disconnect dbh

and when I run this:

/tmp$ ./foo3a

I wonder if there is something weird about your environment: non-unicode
terminals, databases, editors, or something?

For me, it Just Works as it should.

> For now I managed to rollback the UTF8 code in the HDBC-2.1 and got my 
> app to work as needed.
> I hope you find this info useful, thanks once more
> Günther

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