[Haskell-cafe] When is it OK to create a new mailing list?

Daniel Carrera daniel.carrera at theingots.org
Mon May 4 08:37:04 EDT 2009

Duncan Coutts wrote:
>>> I wanted a mailing list for my project WxGeneric and I am wondering when
>>> it is OK to do so? How big must the potential audience be? Is there any
>>> kind of etiquette or guidelines?
> Yes, I would recommend for smaller project-specific mailing lists that
> you take advantage of the community server which is set up for this
> purpose. We provide code hosting, project webspace, shell access, trac
> instances and mailing lists. You can pick and choose, you don't need to
> use all of them.

Would this not fit well in the wxHaskell mailing list? That list is not 
very high traffic and there is an obvious overlap in the target audience.


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