[Haskell-cafe] Parallel programming (threads, cores, processors)

Sterling Clover s.clover at gmail.com
Tue Mar 10 23:23:25 EDT 2009

On Mar 10, 2009, at 10:38 PM, Mark Spezzano wrote:

> Hi,
> I’m an experienced software developer, but a bit of a newbie when  
> it comes to parallel processing in any language.
> Question 1:
> Is there any programmatic change in dealing with multiple threads  
> as opposed to multiple cores in most languages (specifically Haskell)?
> That is, to write multiple threads you normally “spin-off” a new  
> thread which runs in parallel along with other threads. Is Haskell  
> smart enough to do this by magic by itself, or would I need to tell  
> it explicitly : Run thread A whilst running thread B
> Also, what about multicore architectures? Do I have to tell the  
> language to spin off two separate programs to run on each core and  
> then somehow use some kind of communications to exchange data?
GHC's parallel runtime, which is what we're really talking about when  
we're talking about Haskell concurrency, operates roughly like this:  
Threads at the language level are "green" -- i.e. they are  
conceptually threads, and the runtime schedules them as it sees fit,  
but they aren't tied to any given core for execution. You can create  
(using the forkIO primitive) as many new threads as you like. If you  
then execute your program with runtime options (i.e. +RTS -N 2 for  
two cores) that specify how many actually operating system threads  
you want, the runtime will then map your set of green threads onto OS  
threads (and presumably cores) in what it thinks is an efficient  
manner. Communication between threads is via MVars, which are like  
one-item mailboxes, and are one concurrency primitive, or TVars,  
which are for Software Transactional Memory.
> I also assume that, in theory it would be possible to have multiple  
> threads running on each core. Say, 3 threads spawned from program 1  
> running on core 1 and 5 threads on program 2 running on core 2
Generally, the runtime system moves threads between cores as it sees  
fit. However, you can tie threads to particular cores using other  
concurrency primitives (i.e. runInBoundThread).

See the documentation for Control.Concurrent (http://www.haskell.org/ 
ghc/docs/latest/html/libraries/base/Control-Concurrent.html) and  
Control.Concurrent.STM (http://www.haskell.org/ghc/docs/latest/html/ 
libraries/stm/Control-Concurrent-STM.html) for more details.
> Likewise I would suppose that it would be possible to have  
> multiprocessors, each potentially multicore, each core running  
> multiple threads.
Yep, see above, although I don't know of any way to distinguish  
between cores and processors as you're really just mapping to OS  
threads (i.e. capabilities) and relying on the OS to distribute these  
among cores and processors reasonably.

> Question 2:
> In light of the above  statement, is the programmatic change  
> DIFFERENT for dealing with each of
> a)      Multithreading in Haskell versus
> b)      Multicores in Haskell verus
> c)       Multiprocessors in Haskell

Generally, you'll want to write concurrent Haskell code as an  
abstraction to think about things that are "naturally" concurrent --  
i.e. which are best thought of as happening at the same time. At  
runtime, you specify how many OS capabilities you want to map onto.  
For algorithms where you want computations to happen in parallel,  
there's an entirely different set of operations, based around `par`  
(see Control.Parallel [http://www.haskell.org/ghc/docs/latest/html/ 
libraries/parallel/Control-Parallel.html] and  

In neither case should you need, generally, to concern yourself with  
the details of threads vs. cores vs. processors.


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